Float Therapy
Sensory Deprivation Tank

Flotation Therapy is a luxurious way to soothe and heal the body from the constant stress of life's daily pressure you can leave the noise and confusion behind and perhaps, for the first time in your life, experience total relaxation and deep healing in your private, peaceful space. It is truly the ultimate ESCAPE!

(Magnesium Sulfate)
Epsom Salts are great for your skin, hair, nails, and act as an exfoliate. They aid in joint pain, ease stress, and naturally relax the body. Magnesium (commonly missing from our diets) is absorbed through the skin, while Sulfate eliminates toxins and heavy metals, naturally detoxing the body. Soaking in a 1,000 pound Epsom salt bath after running or extensive training can help prevent inflammation in your joints and muscles and treat sprains, strains or sore muscles.

Counter-Gravity Stimulation
1000 pounds of salt in 180 gallons of water creates a 30% salt solution, enabling the you to float effortlessly atop the water. This creates a deeply relaxing anti-gravity environment, as all weight and tension can be dropped; it’s even safe to fall asleep. There are no pressure points on the body in this state, which can provide up to 100% pain relief. The spine naturally elongates and straightens, and the body undergoes the same regeneration process that transpires during sleep.

An hour of zero gravity and zero distractions will decrease the production of cortisone, a stress hormone, leaving us feeling refreshed and serene after the float. The brain enters the theta brain-wave state, associated with deep sleep and dreaming. As all external sources of distraction are removed, floating provides an extreme form of rest. The skin temperature water feels like floating on a cloud or in outer space.