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  • SWAMI GenoType have advised against a particular food of great nutritional value
    Taking into account your genetics, epigenetics, health history, and everything else, there are foods which suit your health requirement better than others. SWAMI GenoType designs a diet that is customized to you. The goal is for you to emphasize your superfoods to promote health.
  • SWAMI GenoType has added meat to my plan even though I'm a vegetarian.
    You can customize your SWAMI GenoType diet plan according to your particular dietary habits, including vegetarian (lacto, lacto-ovo, pescatarian) and even kosher or Paleolithic diets. SWAMI GenoType by default will create a diet that is personalized to you to provide the best fuel for your body, but your practitioner can further customize your diet with this additional layer of personalization.
  • Should I eat a particular food included by SWAMI GenoType even though I'm allergic to it?
    Absolutely not, if you know your allergic to a particular food. Customize your diet plan taking into account the food you are allergic to along with gluten intolerance and other necessary food restrictions. SWAMI GenoType allows your practitioner to emphasize or de-emphasize individual nutrients!
  • Can I use SWAMI GenoType even though I am on a prescription drug?
    Absolutely! SWAMI GenoType takes into account all the nutritional effects of the prescription drugs you have been using. It will also list which nutrients are affected in your diet report. Ask your SWAMI GenoType practitioner to enter information about your prescribed medication.
  • What is naturopathic medicine?
    Naturopathic Doctors are trained in natural medicine. Naturopathic medicine differs in philosophy and therefore strategy. Rather than suppressing symptoms, my goal is to identify and assist the body in dealing with the cause of symptoms in order to allow the body to naturally return to health. This builds strength in the body resulting in less acute and chronic issues.
  • Is naturopathic medicine cost-effective?
    Definitely! The great thing about paying for your health care is that you have control. You’ll spend more time with the doctor, have all your questions answered, and have a plan personalized to you.
  • Does my insurance cover naturopathic medicine?
    Not usually, but you are able to use your health spending account, and we take cash, check or credit cards. We do offer payment plans as well. Please do not hesitate to ask what we can do for you. Referral appreciation gift certificates are part of our policy.
  • What is a Traditional Naturopath?
    An ND is dedicated to utilizing nature's healing powers in a health care system to help others. The practice is distinguished by six well established principles that underlie and determine education and protocols: These six principles are: * Do No Harm * Treat the Whole Person- Holistic Healing * Identify and Treat the Causes: Foundational Healing * Utilize The Healing Power of Nature - * The Doctor as Teacher and Facilitator * Promoting Wellness through Supportive Counsel
  • What is FLOATING?
    Flotation Therapy is a luxurious way to soothe and heal the body from the constant stress of life's daily pressure you can leave the noise and confusion behind and perhaps, for the first time in your life, experience total relaxation and deep healing in your private, peaceful space. It is truly the ultimate ESCAPE! ****learn more on our FLAOT THERAPY page****
  • What is N.O.T.?
    N.O.T. stands for: NEURAL ORGANIZATIONAL TECHNIQUE Imagine yourself as an extraordinary computer, using the most advanced technologies in computer design. Your nervous system is the operating software. It keeps your body functioning up to your optimum possible standards. If a system fails, other systems have to work harder to compensate. *****Learn more in our Neural Organizational page*****
  • What to expect with the Live Blood Cell Analysis?
    We'll take a drop of blood from a tiny prick on your finger. You will see the current condition of your blood on a cellular level. We will be able to monitor the effects of your nutrition program along with detecting arising issues before they become serious health challenges. *****Learn more in our Live Blood Cell Analysis page*****
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